Linking two challenges

Since last week my project moved towards the ideation phase. From my research I got insights that point out the challenge of   evidencing  outcomes such as self esteem improvement and ending loneliness. In addition to these difficulties in making the intangible benefits of these programes visible , other challenge  that appears is the one of tracking users in order to be able of measuring the real impact and droop off of these kind of projects.

Thus, at this moment, I have two different problems to tackle:

  • How to evidence the benefits that this programmes produce in people’s wellbeing,
  • How to follow up former users in order to know if the programme made a difference in their lives. 

Despite the fact that these two challenges look quite apart, both are related to the evaluation process and the first one can be used as a trigger of emotions and memories that can end being an incentive for the former user to recuperate the contact with the organisation.

Looking for a design challenge

Here I left a summary chart of my interviews, I did it in order to look for patterns and common challenges to work around.  I still have some interviews next week, so I will add more insights to the chart, but at the moment my work hypothesis is around evaluation, paying special attention to how to measure the improvement of soft skills such as confidence or self-esteem.  I would like to explore ways of evaluating these skills during the programmes but also the impact of those projects later on. So both formative and summative evaluation will be taken into consideration, being added a longitudinal dimension to frame processes and tools.
